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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - theory


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~ n 1 an idea or set of ideas that is intended to explain something about life or the world, especially one that has not yet been proved to be true  (Darwin's theory of evolution | theory that)  (the theory that light is made up of waves) 2 the general principles or ideas of a subject, especially a scientific subject  (Freudian theory has had a great influence on psychology.) 3 in theory something that is true in theory is not actually true although it is supposed to be  (In theory, a child could live on breast milk for ever, but this is hardly practical.) 4 an idea that someone thinks is true but for which they have no proof  (theory that)  (Detectives are working on a theory that his muderer was someone he knew.) 5 the set of rules on which a practical subject or skill is based  (musical theory)
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  (theories) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A theory is a formal idea or set of ideas that is intended to explain something. Einstein formulated the Theory of Relativity in 1905. N-VAR: usu with supp 2. If you have a theory about something, you have your own opinion about it which you cannot prove but which you think is true. There was a theory that he wanted to marry her... N-COUNT 3. The theory of a practical subject or skill is the set of rules and principles that form the basis of it. He taught us music theory. N-UNCOUNT: usu with supp, supp N, N of n 4. You use in theory to say that although something is supposed to be true or to happen in the way stated, it may not in fact be true or happen in that way. A school dental service exists in theory, but in practice, there are few dentists to work in them. = theoretically PHRASE: PHR with cl ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   noun  (plural -ries)  Etymology: Late Latin theoria, from Greek theoria, from theorein  Date: 1592  1. the analysis of a set of facts in their relation to one another  2. abstract thought ; speculation  3. the general or abstract principles of a body of fact, a science, or an art music ~  4.  a. a belief, policy, or procedure proposed or followed as the basis of action her method is based on the ~ that all children want to learn  b. an ideal or hypothetical set of facts, principles, or circumstances — often used in the phrase in ~ in ~, we have always advocated freedom for all  5. a plausible or scientifically acceptable general principle or body of principles offered to explain phenomena the wave ~ of light  6.  a. a hypothesis assumed for the sake of argument or investigation  b. an unproved assumption ; conjecture  c. a body of theorems presenting a concise systematic view of a subject ~ of equations  Synonyms: see hypothesis ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. (pl. -ies) 1 a supposition or system of ideas explaining something, esp. one based on general principles independent of the particular things to be explained (opp. HYPOTHESIS) (atomic theory; theory of evolution). 2 a speculative (esp. fanciful) view (one of my pet theories). 3 the sphere of abstract knowledge or speculative thought (this is all very well in theory, but how will it work in practice?). 4 the exposition of the principles of a science etc. (the theory of music). 5 Math. a collection of propositions to illustrate the principles of a subject (probability theory; theory of equations). Etymology: LL theoria f. Gk theoria f. theoros spectator f. theoreo look at ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) теория 2) методика; метол; способ - theory of algorithms - theory of chances - theory of elasticity - theory of errors - theory of failure - theory of functions - theory of lateral earth pressure - theory of limits - theory of magnetism - theory of oscillations - theory of plasticity - theory of reliability - theory of scheduling - theory of screws - theory of similarity - theory of specific heats - theory of stream lines - theory of strength - theory of testing - theory of thermoelastic instability of contact - theory of vibrations - Abbe's theory - Abbe theory - absolute reaction rate theory - acid-basic catalysis theory - adhesive theory of friction - affinity theory - age theory - Airy-Stokes theory - approximation theory - Arrhenius theory - association theory - automata theory - automatic control theory - behavior theory of canals - boundary-layer theory - boundary-layer interaction theory - Bronsted theory - bunching theory - catastrophe theory - chemical graph theory - chemical kinetics theory - circuit theory - coding theory - combinatorial theory - communications theory - communication theory - constant angle theory of arch dam design - contact clastohydrodynamic theory - control theory - control-system theory - coordination theory - Coulomb's wedge theory - cylinder theory of arch dam design - delamination theory of wear - diffraction theory - diffusion theory - dispersion theory - dissociation theory - donor-acceptor interaction theory - double shear theory - drag theory - effective arch theory - elastic theory - elasticity theory - elastic wave theory - electromagnetic theory - electromagnetic field theory - energetical wear theory - erosion theory - estimation theory - evaporation theory - fatigue theory - fatigue theory of wear - field theory - filter theory - flash temperature theory - Flory theory - free-electron theory of metals - free space theory - free volume theory - fuzzy-set theory - game theory - general theory - generalized electric machine theory - graph theory - gravitational theory -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  теория – theory of waiting lines – communication theory – division theory – electromagnetic theory – electron theory – encoding theory – frequency theory – information theory – Maxwell electromagnetic theory – prediction theory – sampling theory – telephone theory – teletraffic theory – transmission-line theory ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) физ. борновский 2) истолкование 3) теория 4) толкование 5) трактовка 6) учение advance theory — выдвигать теорию additive ideal theory — матем. теория идеалов аддитивная antinomy of set theory — теоретико-множественная антиномия Baeyer strain theory — теория напряжений Баэра band theory of solids — зонная теория твердых тел barrier theory of cyclogenesis — метео теория циклогенеза заслоночная corpuscular theory of light — корпускулярная теория света function of number theory — теоретико-числовая функция general theory of communication — теория информации general theory of relativity — физ. теория относительности общая grand unification theory — физ. модель большого объединения, модель великого объединения language of set theory — язык теории множеств large signal theory — теория больших сигналов logic of quantum theory — логика квантовой теории meson field theory — мезонная теория поля quantum theory of light — квантовая теория света shallow water theory — теория длинных волн small signal theory — теория малых сигналов theory in two dimensions — двумерная теория theory of color value — теория цветности unified field theory — физ. теория поля единая, теория поля обобщенная wave theory of light — волновая теория света Yukawa meson theory — физ. теория мезонная юкавская - BCS theory - Gersho-Rosencwaig theory - acid-base theory - airfoil theory - atomic theory - band theory - circuit theory - classical...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сущ. теория - correspondence theory - economic theory - hemline theory - labour theory of value - natural law theory - theory and practice THEORY теория; предположения; основы; теоретические знания – theory of attributes – theory of chances – theory of choice – theory of equivalents – theory of invention law – theory of the case – decision theory – information theory – natural right theory – pattern theory – queuing theory ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  теория – theory of evolution – theory of games – theory of genasthenia – theory of gene starvation – theory of germ plasm – allogenetic theory – balance theory of sex – cataclysmic theory – chiasmatype theory – conversion theory – displacement theory – error theory – forbidden-clone theory – frozen accident theory – gene replica theory – germ layer theory – incasement theory – lateral-chain theory – lock and key theory – mass-flow theory – one gene-one enzyme theory – optimal foraging theory – preformation theory – presence-and-absence theory – recapitulation theory – saltation theory – separation theory – shifting balance theory – side-chain theory – sliding filament theory – target theory – trace theory of memory ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. теория coherent theory —- последовательная теория social-science theories —- социологические теории general relativity theory —- общая теория относительности theory of evolution —- теория эволюции essays in theory —- теоретические очерки to formulate a theory —- сформулировать теорию to put forward a new theory —- выдвинуть новую теорию the theories that have sprung up in recent years —- теории, появившиеся в последние годы the theory of economic integration has made rapid strides —- теория экономической интеграции быстро развивалась 2. мат. раздел (математики), теория game theory —- туория игр theory of similarity —- теория подобия the theory of numbers —- теория чисел 3. разг. предположение, догадка; особое мнение, взгляд to have a theory —- полагать what's your theory of the case? —- что вы думаете по этому поводу? my theory is that he is lying —- я думаю, что он лжет my theory has been amply born out —- моя точка зрения полностью подтвердилась 4. теоретические правила, основы the theory of education —- теоретические основы воспитания 5. без артикля: абстрактные, теоретические знания theory and practice —- теория и практика in theory —- в теории; теоретически, абстрактно, отвлеченно your plan is good in theory —- вообще ваш план неплох ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  of Evolution эволюционная теория THEORY of chances math. теория вероятностей THEORY noun  1) теория; numbers theory - теория чисел  2) coll. предположение; to have a theory that... - полагать, что... ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - 1592, "conception, mental scheme," from L.L. theoria, from Gk. theoria "contemplation, speculation, a looking at, things looked at," from theorein "to consider, speculate, look at," from theoros "spectator," from thea "a view" + horan "to see." Sense of "principles or methods of a science or art (rather than its practice)" is first recorded 1613. That of "an explanation based on observation and reasoning" is from 1638. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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